Sad about living with Endo

I have been experiencing nausea, burning sensation in what feels like my bladder, I had a cystoscopy and it was normal. I had a colonoscopy and it was normal. I was diagnosed with endometriosis 2 years ago and doctors do not want to remove my uterus. Although this may not be a permanent fix, I’m desperate to feel better. I thought I found a doctor willing to remove my uterus and I received a phone call letting me know that they no longer work with my insurance and cannot move forward with surgery. I am so sad, even though it’s not the end. The search continues and I cannot help but cry. This is such a crazy thing to live with… it affects me in every single way… I found this platform because a lot of the time I feel so alone in how I feel. It makes me feel better to know that I’m not the only one going through this & there is support out there.


Hey sis, you’re not alone in this. I was diagnosed with endometriosis and ovarian cysts in 2013. I have had 4 major open surgeries, but it’s back again. I am busy running from one hospital to the next, and it’s exhausting. Since I came to the United States, I have been unable to settle and work because of this illness, as I know I won’t be able to keep a job due to the frequent severe pain. I have tried a lot of opioid medications, and my body is getting used to them.

Back in Nigeria, I was told that attempting any surgery would result in death, due to the multiple surgeries I have undergone which resulted in adhesions and guts.

I am currently at the 3rd hospital, but no luck yet. I hope this one I’m in as I’m typing this will be able to help. You’re a warrior and I love you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I am so sorry you’re having a hard time as well. It is mind blowing that doctors have little to no knowledge regarding Endo. Especially after reading about so many suffering through it. I get fibroids and cysts and while removing the fibroids that is when they discovered the endo. I have faith that something will come around for us. IT HAS TO. Some one has to be able to help. I’ve been so down about this issue, but I have an appointment with a new specialist and I hope that they help. I hope you can at least find a remote job to help you through, I’ve been lucky with my job but it’s quite embarrassing having to call out or ask for accommodations because of the pain and discomfort I go through. I appreciate you, your words and your time. YOU are a warrior and you are so loved. You deserve a life where it’s pain free and you can live your days comfortably. I hope that for you :heart_hands:


I stumble upon the site after a google spiral into different types of hysterectomies after a bad pain day. You’re not alone. This is tough stuff, not just physically but mentally

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I wish for things to turn around in your journey! I struggle now to get my doctor to even consider another surgery even though its been two years and he told me id be back in a years time.