I am currently 8 weeks postpartum and I feel as if my Endo has come back stronger than ever.
My first daughter I had in March of 2021 and one year later I required a laparoscopic excision where they excised large areas of Endo on both overies as well as multiple cysts.
My pain did not come back for another 6 following my first child.
This time around has been hard. With my second I experienced more baby blues, and the pregnancy was lot more physically grueling than the first. I did hemorrhage badly with my son (which I’m not sure if that has anything to do with the Endo). I would be due for my next routine excision this year but I am really wanting to opt for a hysterectomy because of this pain I’m in. I have officially done all of the interventions possible to handle the pain.
Any advice would be appreciated!🩵💛